Cycling across the entirety of Europe!

16 long-distance cycling routes that run across the entirety of Europe form a network called EuroVelo. This long-distance cycle route network was founded in 1995 by the European Cyclists Association and connects the most beautiful regions in the whole of Europe via these long-distance cycling trails.

Of course, some of these EuroVelo routes lead through Estonia.
A total of three different EuroVelo bike trails take fans of EuroVelo through Estonia:

EuroVelo 10 - Baltic Sea Cycle Route

EuroVelo 10 follows the Estonian National Route 1 for 981 km along the Baltic coast. This stunning route takes in the astoundingly beautiful scenery of the Lahemaa National Park close to the Russian border and the city of Narva, where the Soviet Union has let visible traces. Then it crosses the medieval capital city Tallinn, a true fairy tale, before taking a ferry to the islands of Muhu, Saaremaa and Hiiumaa where you will come face to face with Estonia’s rich natural environment. Before continuing to Latvia, you will still visit Pärnu, a popular summer holiday resort with many hotels, restaurants, and large beaches.

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EuroVelo 11 - East Europe Route

Cycling in Estonia is always enjoyable, and you will discover this incredible country full of nature and forests. The itinerary visits the country’s capital, Tallinn, with its beautiful Old Town – a UNESCO World Heritage site. EuroVelo 11 follows the National Cycling Route 1 in Estonia from Tallinn along the north coast until Rakvere. Turning south, it follows Route 4 until Tartu, and Route 3 to the Latvian border at Varga. Attractions along the way include the university town of Tartu, Karula National Park, and the beautiful Otepää Highlands which also offer many off-road cycle trails.
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EuroVelo 13 - Iron Curtain Trail

Estonia, the northernmost of the Baltic states, is among the least densely populated countries in Europe and boasts some beautiful natural landscapes. The Iron Curtain Trail follows the Estonian National Route 1 along the Baltic coast. Ferries will take you to the beautful islands of Saaremaa, Hiiumaa and Muhu. The Iron Curtain Trail also visits the country’s capital, Tallinn, of which the old town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
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